Hello, learners. The following are your learning tasks in the subject Reading and Writing. Read and do them diligently. You can download the digital copy of the Weekly Home Learning Plan here.
Check the quality and the quantity of your Self- Learning Module. Report if there are missing pages or there are problems on readability. If you are using digital copy, check if the it is compatible with your device. If problem arises, please report it to your subject teacher.
This week, we will start exploring the properties of a well- written text focusing on organization, and coherence and cohesion. In answering the activities, you may write your answers on a piece of paper or encode them on Microsoft Office or other word document software or app.
This week, we will only delve on mechanics as a property of well-written text. This will help you to utilize capitalization, grammar, and punctuation marks correctly.
Read the introductory paragraph of Lesson 4 Mechanics on Page 34. Then, get the drill test about spelling, grammar, and error detection. There is an important note which is: This is not graded, but you are encouraged to answer this test in order for you to have self- assessment about your knowledge in English.
Improve the letter in What’s New activity on Page 35. Rewrite the letter by placing the correct capitalization and punctuations, correcting misspelled words, and writing the sentences in paragraph form.
Read the contents on What is It on Pages 36 about What is It. There, mechanics as a property of well- written text is well- explained.
Answer What’s More activity on Pages 36 to 37 of your SLM. In sentence writing, just write one (1) for each type of sentence according to use.
Answer Assessment from Page 38 to 40 of your SLM. Then, answer the Mechanics test.