Good day, student- writers. This week will be start of our journey in the world of fiction. In order for you to understand this kind of writing, do the following learning tasks below. You can download the digital file of the Weekly Home Learning Plan for this week.
For printed modules, check the number of pages and readability of the Self- Learning Module (SLM) and handout. For the digital modules, check if the files are readable on the device you are using. If problems are found, report to your subject teacher or class advisers.
In answering the activities, you may write your answers on a piece of paper or encode them on Microsoft Office or other word document software or app.
Read the Overview on Page 1. This week we are going to focus on fiction and its elements.
Turn your module to Page 3. Read What I Need to Know for the competency you need to attain. Proceed to What I Know and answer the multiple choices activity.
Answer What’s New task on Page 4. You need to arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct word.
Read the concepts to be learned under What is It starting from Page 4. There you will learn the definition of fiction and identify its types.
Read the different elements of fiction: A. Character; B. Point-of-View; and C. Plot.
Proceed to What’s More on Page 12. Answer Activity 1.1. Just write the word being asked per number.
Answer Activity 1.2 on Pages 13 and 14. Read the short selection. Pay close attention to the characters and respond to the questions that follow.
Answer Activity 2. Read the following passage and tell the point-of-view used in the material.